
I'm happy you're here

Whether you love plant-based recipes, need ideas for something nutritious, or if you are a mom (or dad!) looking for support to get your little ones to eat more fruits and vegetables, I hope this page and the resources here available have something to offer you and that you feel welcome.

Eating healthy starts at home and if there are little ones, it starts with them. Although in today's world this tends to be seen as a big challenge, my goal is to help you see that eating healthy is not just easier but tastier than you think.

Here you will find recipes that focus on both taste and well-being, as well as resources to support you in achieving nutritional goals for both you and your family.

My story

Cooking delicious and nutritious dishes has been my lifelong passion, cultivated since my teenage years.

Food preparation embodies the essence of nurturing life and bringing joy to those around us throughout every stage of existence. My deepest motivation in venturing into plant-based cooking stems from the immense satisfaction of contributing to vitality and holistic well-being.

Born in Ecuador and raised in the United States, I've explored diverse cultures during extensive travels, including three enriching years in Asia. Later, I later lived in Chile for some years, and have recently returned to the United States. 

Over the past 14 years, my journey has included roles such as crafting menus for a vegan restaurant and various events, teaching vegan nutrition at a local university, and conducting numerous courses and workshops both in-person and online. I've also collaborated on community projects and shared insights through media platforms across Latin America and the United States.

Becoming a mother has added profound richness to my life. It has reinforced my commitment to providing my children with the purest, healthiest, and most nourishing foods possible in a world dominated by cheap, processed options. Teaching them to appreciate whole plant foods is crucial for their lifelong well-being.

In a tumultuous decade, where uncertainty prevails, the necessity of healthy eating remains unwaveringly clear. It's the cornerstone of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, essential for extending our existence in a meaningful way.

Through this platform, my primary goal is to help others achieve this balance and to inspire those who cherish life and the joy of sharing meals around a table blessed by the Creator of all good things.