

List of uncommon ingredients and their definitions.


(Quiwicha, Kiwicha)

Amaranth seeds are similar to those of quinoa but smaller and also contain high nutritional content. One of the most important and valuable characteristics of amaranth is that it does not contain gluten.
Today amaranth is considered one of the most powerful and nutritious foods since it contains 8 of the 9 essential amino acids, in addition to having a high content of iron, calcium, and magnesium, essential vitamins Folic Acid and it is also a great source of fiber.

Bulgur Wheat
(Trigo Bulgur)

Bulgur, bulgur wheat or burgul is an ingredient that is obtained from wheat and is very popular in Middle Eastern cuisine

It is made by cooking soft wheat grains in water and stirring constantly so that they cook evenly and slowly. Once cooked, it is drained and left to dry for several days.

Once the cooked wheat grains are dry, they are pounded to break them into pieces, the bran is removed, and they are sieved to group the resulting pieces according to their size. They are left to dry a few more days and the bulgur is ready, which depending on the size can be thick, fine or very fine. Bulgur ultimately turns out to be a convenience food that keeps for a long time.

 Bulgur is different from couscous in that it is obtained after cooking and subsequent drying of whole wheat grains. On the other hand, couscous is obtained from durum wheat semolina, which is ground to flour, kneaded with water, and from this dough a granulated product is obtained that is left to dry. It's more like pasta.

Source: Bonilla, Mer (13 Enero 2006), Qué es el Fulgor y para qué se usa? El Español.https://www.elespanol.com/cocinillas/recetas/saludables/20160113/bulgur-usa/1000377012297_30.html
Cane Sugar
(Turbinado Sugar/ Sugar in the Raw)

Sugar Cane is the stem of a plant that is grown in hot climates and used to make sugar.
Although whole cane sugar is strong in vitamins and minerals, it is still sugar and should be ingested in moderate/small amounts due to its high glycemic index.

(Algarrobo, Carob)

Carob, is the fruit of the Algarrobo, a tree that is found in different parts of the world and that grows in arid areas.
Carob powder can be obtained as a product that is used as a great alternative to chocolate. It is a natural energy food, with a high sugar content, 50% natural sugar, 10% protein, as well as minerals such as calcium, iron and phosphorus.


Cashews or Cashew Nuts are one of the best known nuts and widely used for cooking among vegans and vegetarians. Its creaminess and smoothness when ground provide a great base for different preparations, replacing cream with a light, sweet taste. 
Likewise, cashews have a wide range of nutrients, especially for cardiovascular health.

Chia Seeds
(Semillas de Chia)

Chia is a seed that is considered a superfood because of its high nutrient content.

The content of chia seeds is two times higher than any other seed, and it contains five times more calcium than whole milk, two times more potassium than bananas, three times more iron than spinach, and three times more antioxidants than blueberries. It also contains boron (which is required to enhance calcium absorption in the bones) and other minerals such as copper, manganese, niacin, zinc, and others. It also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are important fatty acids.

Its high soluble fiber level accelerates and prolongs satiety, lowering cravings between meals and boosting digestion. Its fast-digesting protein composition also supplies the 9 essential amino acids.

Its high soluble fiber content accelerates and prolongs satiety, reducing cravings between meals and improving the digestive tract, thus stimulating the metabolic rate throughout the day. Its fast-digesting protein content also provides the 9 essential amino acids, while its high soluble fiber content accelerates and prolongs satiety, reducing cravings between meals and improving the digestive tract, thus stimulating the metabolic rate throughout the day. the length of a day Its low glycemic index, of course, makes it a perfect food for diabetics, as it allows for better sugar control.

Antioxidants enhance the immune system by removing the toxins that the body absorbs on a daily basis, and this is also one of the features that allows it to stay fresh and edible for up to 4 years before losing its flavor, odor, or nutritional value.

Chia seeds, on the other hand, are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, considered healthy fats, which benefit the cardiovascular and circulatory systems by lowering blood cholesterol levels. They contain far more Omega 3 than flax seeds or salmon, according to studies.

Source: Upaep, (August 2, 2018). Chia seed: What they are, benefits, disadvantages and how to eat them. https://upaep.mx/colaboradores/boletin/deportes/1967-semilla-de-ch%C3%ADa-qué-son,-beneficios,-disadvantages-y-como-se-comen
Coconut Cream

Coconut Cream is thick, very creamy and dense compared to coconut milk or drink, since it is obtained from the milk that is extracted from the coconut.

When buying coconut cream, it is recommended to read the ingredients and make sure that it does not have sugar, thickeners or added elements  in order for it to be the different recipes and thus achieve the desired flavor, texture and consistency whether it be in desserts or savory dishes. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is extracted from the flesh of the coconut and is ideal for use in culinary preparations when done properly. For example, frying with it is not recommended because of its intense flavor that alters the flavor of foods, in addition to the fact that it would greatly lose its healing and nutritional properties. The best way to consume it is raw, or in desserts, where its flavor integrates well and fulfills the role of giving softness to dough, etc.


The date is the fruit of a palm that is cultivated mainly in arid regions of the Middle East.
They are commonly consumed dehydrated and due to their extremely sweet and pleasant flavor, they are used for recipes, smoothies, etc in place of sugar.
Its high nutritional content makes this fruit considered a super food.

Himalayan Salt
(Sal Rosada del Himalaya)

Himalayan salt is a type of mineral salt mined in the mountains of Pakistan about 300 km. from the Himalayas.
It stands out for its pink hue, which is given naturally by its mineral content.

Maple Syrup
(Miel de Maple)

This delicious honey-like syrup is the product extracted and processed from the sap of the tree grown mainly in Canada called Maple, including the varieties of Sugar Maple, Red Maple, and Black Maple among others.
Maple syrup is commonly eaten with pancakes, waffles or crepes, but it is also a wonderful ingredient for many preparations in place of sugar or honey.


Millet is a popular cereal today since it is gluten-free and hence a good source of energy and protein. It also contains iron and is high in vitamin B complex, making it an excellent food for the neurological system in helping to alleviate anxiety and despair.
Millet can be included into the diet in a variety of ways, such as in the form of pastries, croquettes, or as a hot breakfast cereal.

Miso Paste
(Pasta de Miso)

Miso is a condiment made from a traditional Japanese paste. It's made of fermented soybeans, salt, and occasionally a cereal like rice, barley, or rye.
The flavor of miso varies depending on the cereal used, but soy is always the primary ingredient.
Miso's enzymes and ferments aid to maintain gut flora balance, and its isoflavone content helps to maintain female hormone balance, which can help to alleviate meopause symptoms.
Miso can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen, including soup broths, marinades for foods, and sauces and dressings.


Molasses is the residue in the production of cane sugar. It is a thick product, very dark and with a sweet and intense flavor.
It is generally used to feed cattle, but due to its high content of minerals and nutrients including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper and phosphoric acid, it is very appropriate for human consumption since it strengthens bone and muscle health, in addition to being highly recommended to combat anemia.
It can be used in recipes and preparations as a substitute for other honeys or sweeteners, or as a nutritional supplement.

Nutritional Yeast
(Yeast Flakes)

Nutritional yeast is an inactive form of yeast that is used as a nutrient-enriching food or seasoning because of its pleasant cheesy flavor and because it also enhances the flavor of foods in general.
It is grown on the molasses from sugar cane, or barley and then dried and pasteurized in such a way that it becomes inactive so it cannot be used for fermentation.
Nutritional yeast is rich in B complex vitamins, including vitamin B12, making it a highly valued product among the vegan population.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds can be purchased ready to eat. They have  a green appearance, having been previously washed, dried and peeled when removed from the fruit.
These seeds are particularly rich in flavor, and in addition to their immense healing benefits, they also provide a wealth of nutrients.
They are ideal for certain preparations and a great complement for cookies, granola, bars, etc.


Quinoa is a superfood that serves as both a carbohydrate and a complete protein. It also includes more vitamins and minerals than other grains and is a versatile component for both savory and sweet dishes.

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is a type of edible vegetable oil obtained from sesame seeds.
The taste and smell of sesame oil is intense, and its use is particularly common in Asian cuisine.

Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is a condiment made from fermented soybean paste that originated in Asia. It's normally liquid, but it can also come in the shape of a paste or powder.
It is critical to examine the labels on the bottles and packaging to ensure that you are purchasing a product that simply has soy as the primary component, with no added monosodium glutamate or other potentially dangerous chemicals.

(Sesame Paste)

Tahini is a creamy paste used as a condiment or ingredient made only from sesame or sesame seeds. The seeds are first roasted and then ground on their own into butter or cream, which is particularly oily due to the high fat content of sesame.
Tahini originates from the Middle East and today is globally one of the main ingredients in dishes known as Garbanzo Hummus.

(Queso de Soya)

Tofu is the product of curdling soy milk obtained after soaking, grinding and extracting the liquid. It is a pure soy product, therefore it is considered to be a super food.
Its texture can vary depending on the process of obtaining the curd and how much liquid it has. Its consumption is important in Asian countries.
Due to its very mild flavor, it is a very versatile ingredient to prepare a wide range of dishes in different forms, both for desserts and for sauces, or creams, as well as a great alternative to animal protein in savory dishes such as stir-fries, curries , or stews.


Turmeric is one of the few foods that has such a wide range of health benefits.
Turmeric is a spice that is usually used to give food color, namely that strong yellow color. It has an unusual flavor and is used as one of the primary ingredients in curries.
Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as the ability to enhance digestion, promote healing and tissue repair, activate the immune system, and control blood glucose levels.
Turmeric is highly suggested in the diet through culinary preparations for these and other fantastic benefits.